Keywords: alcoholic beverages, vodka, identification, falsification, quality examination of vodka products.


Abstract. The article attempts to address the issue of alcohol safety in Ukraine, which is becoming more and more relevant every year. Alcohol abuse is the main reason for the rapid accumulation of both demographic and social problems in the country, poses a threat not only at the level of the individual and family, but also passes to the level of society and the state as a whole, and therefore has the nature of national security. In view of the globalization processes taking place in the world, which is reflected in the acceleration and unification of customs operations during the movement of goods, there are more frequent cases of smuggling counterfeit alcohol products containing toxic and cheap liquids that can harm the health and life of the population, which, in turn, threatens the country's economic development. The volume of imports of alcoholic beverages to Ukraine is estimated at USD 490 million and has been showing steady growth trends for many years, which is the reason why many companies are interested in importing alcoholic beverages to Ukraine. The import and customs clearance of alcoholic beverages is subject to special regulation and belongs to the group of so-called excisable goods. Excise stamps are used to mark alcoholic beverages in order to control the circulation of alcohol in the domestic market of Ukraine, to combat the spread of counterfeit products on the national market and to collect tax payments. The constant increase in excise rates leads to an increase in the share of counterfeit products on the Ukrainian market. The demand for cheaper counterfeit products is growing. It is difficult to determine the type of ethyl alcohol in alcoholic beverages, as the requirements for hydrolysis and synthetic alcohols are almost identical to those for food alcohol. The latter encourages vodka and alcoholic beverage producers to use nonfood alcohols. Cheap alcoholic beverages produced with violations of technology have a more pronounced toxic effect. This raises the issue of examination of the authenticity, quality and safety of alcoholic beverages. The author concludes that possession of specialized knowledge makes it possible to increase the efficiency of activities of specialists ensuring economic security, since any of the above-mentioned activities are impossible without their use. As in any activity, the detection of crimes and offences in the sphere of alcohol products circulation has its own problematic issues, and in some cases they can be resolved only at the legislative level.


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