Keywords: tuna, canned food, histamine, heavy metals, organoleptic indicators, packaging, labelling.


Abstract. The consumption of canned tuna in the world is increasing. Many brands of this product have also appeared in Ukraine. Consumers appreciated the versatility of canned goods, which can be used independently or for the preparation of various dishes. Tuna meat contains almost no bones, it is a beautiful pink-red color, coarse-fibered, dense, low-fat and very tasty, without the characteristic "fishy" taste and smell. The mass share of complete protein in canned tuna exceeds 29%; the product is a source of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids and minerals. Recently, the low quality of canned goods, their falsification, and the excessive content of harmful compounds ‒ histamine and heavy metal salts ‒ have caused concern. Histidine, an amino acid in tuna muscles, is converted into histamine under the action of enzymes. A significant amount of this compound in food causes poisoning ‒ swelling, urticaria, bronchospasm, and even acute anaphylaxis appear. Also, canned tuna may contain heavy metals ‒ lead, cadmium, mercury, tin. Their content can reach maximum permissible levels and lead to chronic poisoning. Research on the quality and safety of canned tuna is relevant to ensure the health of consumers. The purpose of the work is to study the quality and safety of canned tuna fish sold in Kyiv. Based on the results of the research, it was found that the packaging and labeling of experimental samples of canned tuna fish, as well as their organoleptic indicators, fully meet the requirements of current regulatory documents. The content of heavy metals (lead, cadmium, tin) does not exceed the maximum permissible concentrations. Histamine was detected in all canned fish samples, but its amount was less than the permissible amount ‒ 200 mg/kg. Therefore, according to the studied indicators, all samples of canned tuna fish are safe for consumption. Further research in this direction is to investigate changes in the content of heavy metals and histamine during storage under different conditions.


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