Keywords: bread technology, wheat flour, spontaneous fermentation sourdough, organoleptic parameters, technological parameters


Straight dough method of preparing bread as well as sponge-dough and custard ones are common in Ukraine. The method of preparing sourdough bread is traditional for Ukrainians. Sourdough is a symbiosis of lactic acid bacteria and yeast. It increases the nutritional value of finished baked products due to enzymatic processes triggered by sourdough microorganisms. Sourdough bread is more flavorful and has a higher nutritional value compared to products prepared using other technologies, which is why it has recently been gaining popularity. The glycemic index of sourdough bread is lower. Lactic acid bacteria hydrolyze albumins, globulins and gliadins during sourdough fermentation. Proteolysis carried out by lactobacilli reduces the gluten content and also has a positive effect on the rheological properties of the prepared sourdough dough. Long-term fermentation of dough promotes the accumulation of vitamins. Rye or whole grain flour is considered to be most suitable for producing spontaneously fermented sourdoughs. The use of high-grade wheat flour for the production of spontaneous fermentation sourdough has been studied to a limited extent. The article presents the results of obtaining a long-term fermentation product – a spontaneously fermented sourdough from high-grade wheat flour, as well as the influence of ambient temperature and fermentation time on the organoleptic and technological parameters of the sourdough. It has been revealed that a temperature of 25-28 °C is optimal for cultivating sourdough. The obtained sourdough had an acid-alcohol odor, an acidity of 16.5 оН, and was also characterized by intense fermentation. According to organoleptic parameters, bread made with cultured sourdough has a uniformly colored crust. The bread crumb is developed, elastic and baked, the porosity is average. The taste has a slight sourness. The aroma is characteristic of wheat bread. 


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