Keywords: eggs, foaming ability, protein, confectionery


The article discusses the wide use of eggs in food production, which is due not only to their high nutritional value and excellent taste properties, but also to their technological properties, the ability to form foam when whipped, emulsify fats and high viscosity. Cholesterol is said to no longer be the major problem it once was, dietary cholesterol has been shown to be absorbed very little and does not cause cholesterolemia in healthy people. Even the restrictive recommendations of American cardiologists also allow one egg per day, provided that other daily sources of cholesterol are limited. Considered the issue of the production of whipped confectionery based on the use of protein foaming substances. Among them, the protein of chicken eggs is becoming the most widespread. The foam-forming properties of raw materials used for foam formation in confectionery and other food industries were studied. The important issues of the technological conditions of the application of additives of various nature to the foaming process are shown. The structure and chemical composition of chicken eggs are characterized in detail. The foaming ability of egg whites, which can vary significantly depending on various factors, primarily on the properties of the raw materials, was analyzed. It is greatly reduced if fats (with yolk) or other defoamers, i.e. substances with higher surface activity, are mixed with the protein. The presence of salts of alkaline earth metals (calcium, magnesium) reduces the effect of foaming agents, so the protein of lime eggs has a reduced foaming ability. An assessment of foaming agents for the production of various confectionery products is given. The foaming ability of egg whites in the conditions of production of whipped confectionery masses is greatly influenced by raw materials - sugar, applesauce, molasses, agar (and other gelling substances) and other additives. The combination of a foam-like structure with a gel-like structure is a complex process, during which all the features of these structure-formers should be taken into account. Addition of elamin and/or stevioside during the foaming ability of eggs helps to reduce the most likely and average diameter of bubbles in the obtained foams, which is a positive functional and technological property of the foam. 


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