The concept of optimal nutrition implies that one of the most important conditions for maintaining human health is an adequate supply of both micro and macronutrients. The meat industry produces a small range of products, so expanding the range of meat breads is a topical issue. We have produced meat breads from poultry meat with the addition of hard rennet cheeses and oleoresins of nutmeg and black pepper to the recipe. This article shows the results of a study of the quality indicators of meat breads made with cured poultry meat and the addition of flavouring fillers in the form of rennet cheese and oleoresins of black pepper and nutmeg. The consumer and technological effect of combining poultry meat as a pork substitute and rennet as a protein source on the nutritional value, functional and technological characteristics, and sensory perception of meat breads was evaluated. The developed recipe compositions are: semi-fat pork – 50%, chicken fillet – 50%, semi-fat pork – 20%, back fat – 10%, rennet cheese – 10%, nutmeg oleoresin – 0.2%, black pepper oleoresin – 0.15. The analogue for comparison was meat breads made according to a standard recipe. The nutritional value, physicochemical parameters, and sensory evaluation of the developed breads were studied. It was found that the substitution of semi-fat pork for poultry meat does not affect the functional and technological characteristics of the experimental samples. The protein content increased by 8.87%, while reducing the mass fraction of fat in meat breads by 16.52%. The inclusion of rennet cheese in the recipe of meat breads makes it possible to increase the nutritional value of the finished product. As a result of the change in nutritional value, the energy value of the product remains practically unchanged and ranges from 287 to 305 kcal/100 g. It has been shown that the use of nutmeg and black pepper oleoresins in the specified proportions does not worsen the sensory characteristics of the developed semi-smoked sausages, but, on the contrary, improves their organoleptic characteristics.
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