Keywords: African clary catfish, size and mass composition, techno-chemical parameters, flavor, recipe, manufacturing technology


The article theoretically substantiates and experimentally confirms the expediency of using African clary catfish (Clarias Gariepinus) as a raw material for fish sausage products. The purpose of the work is to develop the recipe and technology of fish sausages from African catfish. The current state and prospects for improving the technology of fish sausages from domestic fish raw materials are analyzed. On the basis of literature data, it was established that the meat of clary catfish is characterized by high nutritional and biological value, lack of fishy taste and smell, which determines its advantages for use in the technology of sausage products from hydrobionts. The results of techno-chemical research confirmed the technological suitability of African catfish for the production of fish sausages. Studies of the size and mass composition showed a high yield of fillets and a small number of intermuscular bones. As a result of research on the chemical composition, it was established that African catfish is a protein raw material with an average fat content. The high ability of muscle tissue proteins to retain water has been experimentally confirmed, which determines the appropriate structure and consistency of sausages. By means of experimental studies using the flavor profile method, the ingredient composition was optimized and the recipes of fish sausages based on clary catfish with the addition of mackerel, sea scallop, bacon were developed. According to the results of the organoleptic evaluation, it was established that all samples have a pleasant taste and aroma, the appropriate structure, but the closest to the standard are the sausages according to the recipe No. 2 and No. 3. The combination of sea fish with freshwater catfish, seafood and lard ensures the formation of high organoleptic indicators of finished products. In the sample of sausages, the composition of which only catfish was included from raw materials of aquatic origin, the absence of fish taste and smell was noted, which confirms this feature of the African clary catfish. Based on the analysis of theoretical and experimental research, the technology has been improved and a technological scheme for the production of raw-smoked sausages from African catfish has been developed. Further research is aimed at developing regulatory documents for raw-smoked African catfish sausages.


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