Keywords: environment, slaughterhouse, meat processing plant, ecology, microorganisms, sewage treatment facility, water


The impact on the environment of the operation of slaughterhouses, meat processing plants and the polluting factors generated by them, which should be treated at the appropriate level, is considered. The main serotypes are shown, most often, prototrophic microorganisms that do not demonstrate specific ecological requirements for their survival and reproduction and have pathogenic potential. Therefore, it is emphasized that environmental problems related to the work of the slaughterhouse have primary occupational risks for the health of the population of the surrounding region. The classically considered pathogens associated with slaughterhouse work are displayed, the bacteria of the genus Mycobacterium, responsible for tuberculosis, and various serovars of Brucella melitensis, responsible for brucellosis, are in the first place of risk. Most of the organic pollutants of animal origin, which are in a state of different phase composition, and inorganic substances of waste water of meat processing enterprises are spread out. Comparative characteristics of wastewater treatment methods are given. Considered basic requirements for the creation of new and reconstruction of existing treatment plants. Technological schemes are shown, which are recommended for use in wastewater treatment facilities at most operating meat processing plants, to ensure the increased requirements for the quality of purified water. Rational schemes for wastewater treatment of enterprises are given, which will allow, at minimal costs, to ensure the necessary degree of water drainage treatment to the level necessary for discharge into reservoirs for fishery. Recommendations have been developed based on a rational scheme of local treatment facilities of meat processing plants and wastewater treatment processes using various methods. It is shown that when choosing a method of wastewater treatment, it is necessary to take into account the fact that treatment is a complex task and requires a combination of different methods to achieve maximum efficiency.


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