Nutrition is one of the most important factors determining the health of the population. Proper nutrition ensures the normal growth and development of children, contributes to the prevention of diseases, prolongs life, increases productivity, and creates conditions for adequate adaptation to the environment. The structure of the population's nutrition in recent years has been characterized by a decrease in the consumption of the most biologically valuable products, resulting in an imbalance in actual nutrition regarding proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. It is through proper and balanced nutrition that individuals can secure emotional and physical health. The problems of providing the population with full-fledged food products can be addressed by utilizing additional sources of food raw materials. This study investigates the connection between healthy eating, the restaurant business, and catering. It analyzes the main principles of healthy eating and their influence on the selection of products and dishes offered in restaurants and catering services. Particular attention is given to the use of innovative ingredients, such as amaranth flour, which is characterized by a high content of proteins, polysaccharides, and other biologically active substances. The importance of integrating healthy products into restaurant and catering menus is justified as a response to the growing demand for healthy and nutritious dishes among consumers. The potential of healthy eating is emphasized not only for improving customer health but also for strengthening the position of the restaurant business in a modern market that increasingly focuses on a healthy lifestyle. The research also explores the possibility of using amaranth flour as a source of plantbased dietary fibers for meat-formulated semi-finished products. Amaranth flour contains amino acids and organic compounds, phospholipids, vitamins, and mineral substances, which, when combined with meat minced products, improve the nutritional and biological value of the semi-finished products. Based on the results of the study of physicochemical and microbiological indicators, a high biopotential of amaranth flour is determined. Its positive influence as a component of meat chopped semi-finished products on organoleptic indicators and structural characteristics of the final product, as well as safety indicators, is proven. A technology has been developed to enhance the nutritional value of meat semi-finished products, which allows for the enrichment of products with organo-mineral mixes, vitamins, and phytochemical compounds, and can be successfully applied in the restaurant industry to ensure the physical and mental productivity of the population’s health.
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