The article highlights the relevance of the issue of the impact on the production and sales of light industry enterprises in Ukraine; analyzes the challenges faced by light industry enterprises after a full-scale invasion. Suggests ways to solve problems in the context of the development of both enterprises engaged in production and those engaged in the sale of light industry products. The trends and problems identified as a result of the research are crucial for further finding solutions to increase the efficiency of domestic enterprises and improve product quality. The research has identified factors that affect product production, in particular, laborintensive and energy-intensive production processes, insufficient automation of these processes due to the lack of modern equipment, and a lack of qualified labor. Product sales are significantly affected by weak marketing strategies and brand popularity, unstable demand and the lack of long-term orders, the lack of convenient online stores and online catalogs limits consumer access to products and reduces sales volumes. This leads to the fact that imported products often surpass Ukrainian analogues in quality, innovation, and design. Ways to solve the problems facing the industry are proposed: first of all, state support for domestic manufacturers through financing or preferential lending programs for light industry enterprises and investments in the modernization of outdated equipment; training employees to work with modern technologies; investments in marketing; development of digital platforms; cooperation with influencers; participation in international exhibitions. The development of light industry will enable the state to create new jobs, increase the competitiveness of domestic products, and receive significant contributions to the state and local budgets.
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