• N.I. Popovych Lviv University of Trade and Economics
  • M. Stefanyk Lviv University of Trade and Economics
  • O.V. Shumsky Lviv University of Trade and Economics
  • K. Lawinska Research Network Łukasiewicz-Institute of Leather Industry
Keywords: analysis, research, textile materials, footwear, consumer properties, safety


The basic functions that modern footwear should perform, created with the rational design concept in mind, are formulated. The expediency of using textile materials made of bamboo fibers in footwear production is sub-stantiated. The results of experimental studies of the mentioned materials are presented: mechanical, hygienic and safety indices data analysis as well as microbiological and chemical data analysis (presence and content of heavy met-als). Experimentally, for each material tested, it was determined: tensile strength, stretching at maximum force and deformation magnitude. It is substantiated that to create the optimum microclimate of the foot the materials used must combine high water and vapor permeability with sufficient moisture absorption inside the footwear. The results of hy-gienic indicators research confirmed the high level of properties that justify the feasibility of their use in the footwear lining and outer parts. It has been proven that under the “heavy metals content” index, the materials tested meet the requirements of the REACH technical regulation (EU 1907/2006 - “Improving the protection of human health and the environment through better and earlier identification of the chemicals properties”). The high level of antibacterial properties of textile materials made of bamboo fibers has been confirmed as well as their use for the footwear lining production to ensure a healthy microflora has been substantiated.


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