• T. M. Kolomiets Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
  • V. O. Demchenko Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: women's hygienic products, production, import, export, development trends, market segment, market analysis


The article investigates the state and prospects of development of the women's hygienic products market in Ukraine. A detailed analysis was conducted from 2014 to 2018. The purpose of the article is to determine the main trends of production, as well as export-import operations of women's hygienic products. The study found that the seg-ment of women's hygienic products is a part of the personal hygiene products market and entirely depends on it. How-ever, the market for women's hygienic products has its own trends. This segment of the personal hygiene products mar-ket is entirely dependent on the female population, since the demand for this product is formed on the basis of the fe-male audience preferences. This tendency is due to the peculiarities and differences in the physical condition and health of women. There are no leaders in the structure of domestic production of hygienic products for women, since imported products of foreign production occupied the major part of the market. This can be caused by higher quality of foreign women's hygienic products compared to domestic ones. It was found that during the study period the import volume of women's hygienic products far outweighed export volume (in quantitative terms). However, domestic women's hygienic products are exported to the CIS countries, Europe, Asia, Africa and more. It is determined that the volume of the Ukrainian market of hygiene products is about 5 billion units, but the level of consumption of modern hygienic products in Ukraine is still behind the indicators of more developed countries, mainly due to less demand for them in the regions compared to large cities. That is why strong positions were taken by the companies Procter & Gamble (USA), SCA Hygiene Product (Essity AB) (Sweden), Bella-TZMO (Poland), Kimberly-Clark (USA), Johnson & Johnson (USA). It is proved that the Ukrainian market of women's hygienic products has opportunities for development, because it still lags behind the degree of product saturation from the market of developed countries. Sales growth rates make the Ukrainian market attractive for both manufacturers and importers. Further research should focus on the analysis of individual segments of the women's hygienic products market.


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