• I. V. Syrokhman Lviv University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: foodstuffs safety and quality, hygienic standards, hazard classes


The article presents the results of recent years research on public policy making aimed at ensuring the proper quality and safety of foodstuffs, as well as the products of restaurant industry. It is proposed to use the latest developments in achieving the safety of mass consumption products. The necessity of the raw materials quality control according to new safety indicators has been proved, especially regarding the accumulation of unwanted compounds during storage of raw materials or violation of their processing parameters. The most problematic is the application and control of pesticides marginal con-tent in agricultural products, since Hygienic Standards and Regulations for the Safe Use of Pesticides and Agrochemicals № 55, approved on 02.02.2016 by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine with changes and additions on 11.12.2019, are presented by 755 preparations, the vast majority of which are divided into 2 or 3 active substances for 2-3 crops of different groups. Therefore, it is very important to develop key classification features for allowed for use pesticides. The basis can be the per-missible daily dose of the active substance, the mass of the permissible level in foodstuffs, the marginal permissible concentra-tion/safe level of exposure in the air, in the water reservoirs, soil, as well as the regulations of safe use, taking into account the expected harvesting, access to the treated areas of manual or mechanized work and the hazard class. Examples can be sum-marized in tables for preparations based on glyphosate and ammonium gluphosinate compounds, as well as maximum per-missible levels and hazard class of pesticides in potatoes, apples and apple juice. Performed systematic studies of the pesti-cides properties will allow to select the safest options for the introduction and control of the active substances content in food-stuffs in order to reduce the undesirable effects on humans, animals, bees and the environment.


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