• I. M. Оschypok Lviv University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: meat, wild, exotic, animals, processing, food


The article discusses the use of wild animals meat in the production of meat products, which will not only expand the range, but also open up great opportunities for the release of functional foods. Wild animals are additional natural resources that are renewed without the active participation of humans. They are sources of meat raw materials and foodstuffs, which have significant advantages over meat of industrial fattening animals. Such meat is attractive to the restaurant business and individual consumers as raw material to produce new delicacies. Numerous studies of wild animals in recent decades have shown that their meat is not only an exquisite delicacy, but also a raw material source for diet and specialized products. A significant share in the market segment of the wild animals is represented by meat of ungulates, namely deers, which include reindeers and red-tailed deers, elks, roedeers, marals. Proteins of their mus-cle tissue are complete, they are characterized by a balanced amino acid composition, in content and ratio of essential amino acids are close to the "ideal protein" of FAO / WHO. The muscular tissue of nomadic and wild animals is char-acterized by low fat content, which has a high proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids. In the meat of wild and nomad-ic animals, the content of certain minerals and vitamins exceeds their content in traditional raw meat. For the nutrition of the population it is recommended to use beaver meat. Today, kangaroo, as well as crocodiles, guinea pigs, monkeys, dolphins, frogs' legs, whales, reptiles meat and two dozens of other exotic animals names are imported into Ukraine. Non-traditional types of meat, including wild and exotic animals, in view of their chemical composition and biological value, are promising raw materials for the production of functional meat and dietary foods. Based on the meat of non-traditional and wild animals, technologies of new types of meat and meat&vegetable products have been developed and introduced into the production programs of meat processing enterprises.


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