• A. V. Koshelnyk Kyiv National Uni-versity of Trade and Economics
  • Ju. M. Motuzka Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
  • O. V. Babiy Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: plant-origin milk analogues, consumers, milk, terminology, assortment, consumer rights


The article deals with the problem of discrepancy in the terminology used to determine the names of an alternative dairy products. The purpose of the study is to analyze the problems associated with the use of names inherent in traditional dairy products, to name the objects of the study and to establish the most correct scientifically sound version. It is known that from the technological point of view and by the nutritional profile "alternative milk" does not meet the characteristics of traditional products, and therefore can not have the same name. It has also been determined that consumers consider these plant-based products to be dairy equivalent in terms of consumption properties. Therefore, the study of the terminology apparatus, which can be used to name the studied product group and to determine the most correct formulation, is relevant. It has been found out that today it is proposed to use such concepts as "substitute", "analogue", "imitation", "alternative" ("alternative milk" and, accordingly, "alternative dairy products"). The lexical meaning of each of these variants is analyzed and it is found that the terms “substitute” and “alternative” imply that the plant-origin drink is similar to traditional milk in chemical composition and in some indicators. Furthermore, "imitation" can be perceived by consumers as counterfeiting of traditional milk and dairy products. Thus, the use of these terms can mislead consumers. It is determined that the most correct is the use of the "milk analogue" concept, which is due to the presence of some common properties between beverages of plant and animal origin, in particular consistence and appearance, as well as the possibility of their use for the preparation of yoghurts, ice cream, cheeses and more. It has been confirmed that naming plant-origin beverages using names of traditional dairy products can mislead consumers about their properties and, therefore, be detrimental to health. It is proved that the settlement of terminological discrepancy at the legislative level is important because it will help to protect consumers, prevent unfair competition among producers, as well as speed up the customs clearance procedure when moving analogues of plant-origin milk across the customs border of Ukraine.


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