• V. I. Yashchuk Lviv University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: recreation, recreational resources, recreational potential, evaluation of recreational potential


The article explores methodological approaches to estimating the recreational potential of Ukrainian regions. In particular, the approaches to the recreational resources potential evaluation by both domestic and foreign scientists, were analyzed. It was substatntiated the necessity of further research on a number of questions about the component and integrated evaluation of the recreational potential of the region and the definition of methodical approaches to the evaluation of the recreational potential of the regions of Ukraine, which is the basis for the optimization of the spatial and economic organization of territorial recreational systems and determination the value of the benefits of particular resources and their combinations to obtain competitive advantages and to create favorable conditions for meeting material and recreational needs of an individual. The technique of recreational potential evaluation, developed using correlation-regression analysis methods, which contains factors and criteria that determine potentially attractive recreational territories, is proposed. A component and integral evaluation of the key factors influencing the development of the recreational territory has been formed. This method proposes a number of coefficients that allow to evaluate the state of recreational potential of a particular territory, to determine vectors of development of the territory and directions of their optimization with the purpose of harmonious socio-economic development of the region of Ukraine.


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