• B. Ya. Polotaj Lviv University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: аsian cuisine, rice, types of sauces, algae, wok, cooking


The article deals with the features of Asian cuisine, because today this cuisine is trendy in Ukraine, and is associated with proper and healthy eating. Asian cuisine includes Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Thai, Ma-laysian and Filipino cuisines. Of course, each of these countries has its own peculiarities of the culinary arts and nutri-tion, but there are certain features and trends that they share. It will not be a surprise to say that rice is the top ingredi-ent in Asian cuisine. Indeed it is a major crop throughout Asia. It is used for production of flour, sweets, as well as garnish for almost every dish. Asians do not imagine a meal without rice. The types of sauces were investigated: soy, sriracha, hoisin, unagi, kimchi, spacii. Algae has been analyzed as one of the main foods in Asian cuisine. In particular, the algae are divided into groups: nori, сhuka (the second name is wakame), sea kale and kombu. It is also important to note that Japanese cuisine allows five types of products culinary processing: frying, cooking in heated oil, boiling in water, steaming and serving raw food. Speaking of Asian cuisine, one of the most common ways to cook food is frying in a small amount of very hot oil, that is why wok is extremely popular. Wok is used in various Chinese cooking tech-niques, including stir-frying (steam-frying), steaming, frying, deep-frying, cooking, stewing, roasting, soup cooking, smoking, roasting nuts, and more. In Asian cuisine, special attention is paid to the design and serving of food. For ex-ample, the Japanese cut the fish into small slices and beautifully laid them on plates with vegetables. And in China and Korea, cutting vegetables and fruits is a real art.


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