The article deals with the scientifically substantiated solution of the problem of food products enrichment with micronutrients in the process of their planning, development and production. A new approach to the food products enrichment, which involves the use of ingredients mix for targeted prevention of specific human health problems, is proposed, as well as principles of food products enrichment by micronutrients are formulated. The characteristics of the enriched products by the level of consumption and the requirements to the technological aspects of the food products enrichment are listed. The micronutrients for food products enrichment, the lack of which really takes place, quite widespread and dangerous to health, are studied. To the number of such micronutrients in Ukraine should be attributed vitamins of C and B groups, folic acid (partially), iodine, selenium, iron and calcium. This includes the possibility of use of a wider range of nutrients, such as food fibers, phospholipids, polyunsaturated fatty acids of the group ω-3, and others. The presence of biologically active substances of a wide spectrum of physiological action such as bioactive peptides, mineral substences (zinc, iron, selenium), vitamins, fatty acids and fibers, determines functional properties: improvement of the general state of the human organism, stimulation of the enzymes activity in the system of detoxification and antioxidant protection, increased immune potential and resistance. The application of "Carotino" red palm oil, linseed oil, mineral fertilizer (calcium) from chicken eggs shells, ω3 and ω6 fatty acids, soybean proteins, “Vitacelum", iodocasein, dihydroquercetin, vitamin C, yantvite in minced meat semi-finished products, was studied. Compliance with all the principles of food products enrichment with micronutrients makes it possible to completely avoid the possible risks related to interference with the food system.
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