• L. I. Hirnyak Lviv University of Trade and Economics
  • B. J. Polotaj Lviv University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: gluten-free foods, celiac disease, gluten intolerance, gluten-free macaroni products, rice, corn, buckwheat flour


The article analyzes the current trends in the production of gluten-free products, in particular macaroni products, which are recommended for prophylactic and therapeutic nutrition in treatment of celiac disease. It was determined that in Ukraine at the present time no gluten-free macaroni products are produced. There is a production of small amount of macaroni products with low protein content, but their recipe include rye flour, which makes their consumption impossible for patients with celiac disease. The composition of the main raw material – gluten-free flour: corn, rice, buckwheat and starch, is also analyzed. The features of production of gluten-free macaroni products are generalized. The additives used in macaroni production have been explored. It has been proved that the use of mix of gluten-free flours for the manufacturing of macaroni products is more appropriate than using of one kind gluten-free flour, which allows: more rational use of the grain raw materials in the country's agrarian-industrial production; improve the structural and mechanical properties of gluten-free dough and ready-made products as well as increase the nutritional and biological value of products. Thus, the actual and timely task is to develop a technology for gluten-free macaroni products in order to satisfy the needs of patients with celiac disease.


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