• A. M. Kostruba Lviv University of Trade and Economics
  • Yu. B. Stetsyshyn “Lviv Polytechnic” National University
  • S. М. Maevska Lviv State University of Physical Culture
Keywords: ellipsometry, nanomaterials, optical contrast, ultrathin film


An algorithm for calculation of errors for a new ellipsometric method of independent measurement of parameters of ultrathin films of two-dimensional (2D) nanomaterials is proposed. The dependences of the refractive index and thickness of ultrathin films on the experimental conditions determined by the roughness of the lining surface and the magnitude of the optical contrast on the “film-lining” surface are obtained. It has been established that the automation of the process and the increase in the number of measurements up to 25 or 100 will reduce the confidence interval in 2 or 4 times, respectively. This will allow a proportional increase in the accuracy of the determination of the angle 0 at which the condition  = 0 is fulfilled, and to reduce, accordingly, the errors of the basic parameters of the transparent film, 1 n , 1 d .


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