• I. V. Syrokhman Lviv University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: quality and properties of raw meat materials, advanced technologies of raw meat processing, ensuring the safety and quality of meat products


According to the results of the conducted researches, the corresponding workings of scientists and practitioners on improvement of consumer properties, quality and safety of meat and meat products, the rational use of livestock raw materials and corresponding nutrients, extension of the evaluation of individual components on the basis of achievements of nanobiotechnology and pharmacogenomics are generalized. An important direction of modern technology is the substantiation of the improving of the vitamin, mineral, fatty acid composition of products, enriching with antioxidants, partially replacing sodium chloride with other salts, achieving the stability of color of products in the process of production and storage, and improving methods of thermal conditioning in order to minimize the accumulation of harmful substances, in particular biogenic and heterocyclic amines, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and others. The obtained theoretical developments predetermine the need for in-depth research on the safety and quality of food products and raw materials with the forecast of improving control and quality indicators of traditional, dietary, sanative and special food products for sportsmen and other categories of consumers.


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