The article considers the technological schemes of obtaining of collagen mass from non-traditional meat raw materials when configuring a particular production. Described formalized functioning of the preset technology on the basis of mathematical modeling methods. On the basis of the mathematical model implemented the calculation of regime parameters of diffusion processes for production of particulate systems on the basis of collagen proteins of animal tissues by the enzymatic hydrolysis of ballast biopolymers and their further receiving from crushed substrates. During the execution of a specific area of research as basical was taken the equation of heat conductivity in the range of 37-40 °С. At the same time, the author relied on the assumption that the crushed components of the mixture in the dispersion have a spherical geometric shape. The degree of removal of impurities in the form of ballast protein fractions, as the main indicator of the quality of the obtained collagen semifinished product, determines the optimization problem: to obtain the maximum mass yield of purified collagen fractions in a minimum period of time with a given level of quality and degree of purification. The proposed approach allows to really manage the technological process while obtaining a quality product and implement economically feasible technologies.
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