• М. I. Peresіchnyi Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts
  • K. V. Palamarek Chernivtsi Institute of Trade and Economics of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: vegetable paste, powders from laminarija, shrimp, pollack, crabs, cod, iodine deficit


The article considers the problems of iodine deficit and ways to resolve them by iodine enrichment of food products. The necessity of creating food products with high content of iodine and of deficit nutrients is grounded. Outlined the prevention of iodine deficit conditions and improving the digestibility of iodine in the consumtion of vegetables that contain bio-organic iodine and other essential nutrients in the best for digestion, bioavailable form. Simulated the functional products with the inclusion of hydrocoles powders to technology of vegetable pastes in particular powders of laminarija, shrimp, pollack, crabs and cod. The influence of these additives on such structural and mechanical properties of a food composition as critical tension of shift and adhesion is determined.


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