• I. M. Oshchypok Lviv University of Trade and Economics
  • M. V. Buzganska Lviv University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: native starch, modified starch, chemical modification of starch, starch derivatives, food additives


The article analyzes the introduction of innovative technologies in the food industry. Alternative types of raw materials are considered, modern methods of processing raw materials to obtain a range of foods of high nutritional value, with improved consumer properties are described. In particular, modern technologies of production of modified starches are considered. The analysis and generalization of methodological, theoretical and experimental researches of reception of the modified starch is carried out. The possibility of obtaining modified food starches by different types of chemical, biological, mechanical processing of starch raw materials is shown. The article presents the feasibility of modifying natural starch by chemical oxidation of potassium permanganate. The mechanism of chemical oxidation of native starch is offered. The authors reveal advantages of the acquired physicochemical properties of modified starches. It is determined that modified types of starch via chemical oxidation get the necessary technological properties for use in products where it is necessary to ensure a high dry matter content in liquid consistencies (soups, condiments, jellies, instant drinks), due to the fact that they have greater solubility and low viscosity of pastes. The labeling of modified starch samples obtained from different sources of raw materials is presented. Examples of practical application of modified starch in the food industry are given. It is proved that the use of modified starches improves the technological properties of semi-finished products of foam-like structure, facilitates conducting of the technological process as well as implies economic attractiveness of their use.


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