• T. M. Lozova Lviv University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: safety management system (HACCP), retail trade, food products


The article presents the results of a study of aspects of the application of the food safety management system (HACCP – Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points). It is shown that in modern conditions the food safety management system in combination with the quality management system is becoming increasingly important. They are used in various sectors of the economy, including manufacturing, trade, services, becoming the basis for achieving a high standard of product quality. The purpose of the article is to study the introduction of the HACCP system at the enterprises of the retail trade network. Requirements for food safety are constantly growing. Consumers and government regulators are imposing more and more stringent requirements for food to meet the highest standards of quality and safety. In the event of a problem, its source should be identified and eliminated immediately. These requirements primarily apply to retailers, but responsibility for food quality and safety now extends to the entire supply chain, including producers of food, raw materials and transport companies. The progress of society, especially in recent decades, is accompanied by a sharp increase in the level of risks to the safe life of humans, due to further growth in production. Simultaneously and proportionally society increases the requirements and guarantees for the safety of manufactured products. Food products as well as the conditions and means of their production are usually the main sources of risk, which in recent decades have been the subject of special attention of experts. The organization needs to establish, document, implement and maintain an effective food safety management system and, if necessary, update it in accordance with the requirements of the standard. Organization needs to define the scope of application of the food safety management system. This scope should define the products and product categories, processes and production areas covered by the food safety management system. Further research should be aimed at considering the specifics of the development and implementation of a safety management system for certain groups of food products.


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