In the article a large group of confectionery, which include jelly suckers, and the characteristics of the skin product in the whole group in the main form start with a zesty, jolly speech and instead of moisture. The indicated group of candies is characterized by syneresis. Syneresis is the power of certain gels during the singing period of being able to see the syrup, but not just savoring the power of the candy, but ale and wickedness of adhering to the crumpled, but shitty start for the sale of the cigar. This defect occurs in jelly with agar with the addition of excess acid, and in pectin gels - with incomplete dissolution of pectin, excess acid or as a result of settling at a temperature below the temperature of gem formation. Some starch gels are also prone to syneresis, in connection with which other gemstones are usually added as a stabilizer. Starch gels with a high content of amylase are usually not prone to syneresis. Any jelly can show this defect, as well as granulation, if the finished confectionery product is mixed after the formation of the gem. Granulation occurs when jelly candies are poured into starch, chocolate molds or other forms at a temperature below the temperature of gem formation of the mixture. In any mixture before settling, the temperature of gem formation must be known. That is why we decided to investigate the process of processing ready-made jelly candies to prevent wetting or drying, depending on storage conditions. Our task was to study modern methods of processing jelly candy bodies with the help of fine-grained sugar and Quick OIL B7401 fat. The technological characteristics of the specified raw materials are given in the work. In the future, we plan to work on the use of modern raw materials and technological methods for processing the bodies of other groups of confectionery.
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