• I. M. Strashynskyi Educational and Scientific Institute of Food Technology of the National University of Food Technologies
  • O. P. Fursik Educational and Scientific Institute of Food Technology of the National University of Food Technologies
  • M. S. Hrytsai Sole Proprietor “Hrytsai Alona Viktorivna”
  • E. S. Shabala LLC “Apohei”
Keywords: blood, sausage product, minced meat, protein-fat emulsion, legumes, stability


For normal human life of a man and good fat digestion, a human organism should consume necessary nutrients in a particular correlation. The enrichment of food technologies with essential substances, primarily protein and protein products, is a burning issue today. Emulsions are the most technological in the development of various forms of food products and well-adjusted to the human digestive system. Due to meat market volatility, the line of studies of emulsification is relevant enough. The authors’ studies focus on improving technologies and making it possible to use food blood more fully to broaden the range of blood sausages. The blood of farm livestock and products of its processing are a unique source of essential and biologically active substances, keeping in mind the content of organic iron and proteins, quantitatively and qualitatively adequate to the proteins of muscle tissue and blood of animals, including humans. The purpose of the research is scientific and theoretical substantiation and development of recipes of blood sausages using protein-fat emulsion (PFE) based on blood, bird skin and legumes (garbanzo and lentils) and study of their quality. In the context of minced meat based on standard technology, the authors determine the indicators of stability during cooking; examine the functional and technological properties, namely: moisture-binding capacity, pH, and moisture and fat-holding capacity and plasticity indices. To conduct research, it is designed the samples of blood sausages, which contain PFE based on food blood (50%), legumes (garbanzo and lentils – 15/15%), and bird skin (20%). It is established that the use of PFE in the content of study samples of blood sausages modifies the functional-technological properties of minced meat and contributes to the increase of moisture-binding, moisture and fat-holding capacities. The research highlights the maximum manifestation of the capacities of meat systems to bind and keep water molecules.


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