Domestic trade is a multifunctional socio-economic system of the national economy which occupies a special place in the structure of market relations and connections and is in multilateral relations with the spheres of material production and consumption, the financial sector, infrastructure, and institutions of international economic exchange. The article examines the current problem of interbranch interaction of trade and commodity production in Ukraine in the context of balancing the domestic market. It is proved that intersectoral ties and relations ensure the interaction of trade with industries and sectors of the economy in the process of production, exchange and consumption. Based on the system of national accounts, the nature and content of intersectoral trade relations, commodity flows in the structure of intermediate consumption, negative trends and imbalances in the process of intersectoral exchange, as well as the inconsistency of interests of functionally interconnected industries are analyzed. The necessity to deeply study the needs, substantiate reliable consumption forecasts, develop comprehensive national and regional programs of commodity production in value and in kind is determined. At the same time, it is advisable to resume the practice of developing and using product balances, where the factors of production, effective demand, trade, transport, infrastructure, exports, imports, consumption and others are taken into account in an organic connection. It is concluded that improving the efficiency of intersectoral cooperation in domestic trade requires the creation of mechanisms for equivalent exchange, regulation of intersectoral relations and ties, modernization of wholesale trade as well as intensification of state policy in the field of commodity production and trade. Proposals were made to strengthen the role of trade and intensify its impact on commodity production.
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