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strategic financial planning

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The article substantiates that strategic financial planning is focused on the long-term perspective and determines the main directions of socio-economic development of the enterprise. Financial planning is to develop a financial strategy for the business of the enterprise and forecast the main economic indicators of income and expenses for the future. It is determined that the lack of financial planning hinders the formation of conditions for the development of the enterprise, causes revenue shortfalls and reduces the level of cost control, which leads to unpredictable losses in the future. The purpose of the article is to determine the essence and necessity of strategic financial planning as a function of organization management in market conditions. It is proved that in a market economy an important prerequisite for the effective use of limited financial resources and the key to achieving high economic performance is strategic financial planning. The author's definition of the term "strategic financial planning" is proposed, by which the author understands the function of management, which is to forecast and develop plans for financial and investment activities of the enterprise for the future, based on matching financial goals and resources to achieve measurable final results. Requirements for setting goals of strategic financial planning are highlighted: possibility of achievement; consistency of goals, plans and forecasts; measurability of results; motivational orientation; compliance with the real economic indicators of the enterprise. It is determined that the budget is a detailed, written on the accounting items plan or estimate, which reflects in digital terms: sales, costs, profits, which are planned for a certain period of time. The author's position is substantiated that the use of managers in the management of financial plans allows them to significantly increase the profitability of financial and economic activities of the enterprise, effectively using funds and investments, as well as in the long run to improve competitive position in the market.
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