The article proposes to emphasize the conceptual approach to the strategic management of the business model of aviation enterprises. This approach differs from the previously proposed depth of research and focusing on the management of business processes of aviation enterprises, taking into account the peculiarities of their value chain for the end user. Thus, the author identifies two major contours of the conceptual model of strategic management of the business model of the aviation enterprise, these are: pull-categorical apparatus and organizational and managerial provisions. The conceptual and categorical apparatus includes the main tasks and postulates of strategic management of the business model of the aviation enterprise and the types of strategic management and dependence on the quality of environmental assessment. The postulates on which the strategic management of the aviation enterprise’s business model is based are the following: the aviation enterprise’s business model is an open socio-economic system; business models that are at an early stage of their life cycle are usually more flexible; each business model must have its own "strategic set of goals"; the business model should include a strategic subsystem and subsystems of regulation, control and analysis to ensure the dynamic implementation of strategic plans and objectives, as well as to form production capacity. Organizational and management provisions combine a list of measures used in the strategic management of the business model as the signal strength increases, the process of strategic management of the business model of the aviation enterprise and the results to be achieved by the strategic management of the business model of the aviation enterprise. Particular attention in the article is also paid to strategic management of the business model, which is in the direction of choosing strategic positions, management by ranking strategic objectives based on their identification of the list of measures used as signal strength increases in managing the business model. Ensuring effective strategic management at aviation enterprises is an important source of opportunities to increase competitiveness in the market, and as a consequence of concerted action by all divisions of the aviation enterprise in the process of achieving the desired results.
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