The article states that, unlike many other science-intensive industries governed by market laws, the pharmaceutical industry is largely determined by technological development. It is studied that the development of the pharmaceutical industry and the pharmaceutical market in Ukraine is important not only for economic, but also for social and even political aspects of Ukrainian society. The essence of the concept of branding is considered, the ultimate goal of branding, which is to create a brand, is determined. Branding embodies a special technology of creating symbolic associations and informal connections based on consumer experience and trust, which expand the possibilities of relationship marketing. The role and place of a modern brand are analyzed, a number of features that distinguish a pharmaceutical brand from trademarks are given. It is determined that the purpose of branding is to create a brand that, thanks to its unique external form, internal content and message, best meets consumer expectations, is perceived by the target audience holistically and clearly, attracts attention and inspires confidence and desire to buy goods. It is proved that the pharmaceutical brand is not limited to the physical satisfaction of needs, but provides an emotional connection between the consumer and the brand. The brand is considered as a business management tool that covers not only the company but also everyone it encounters: dealers, suppliers, investors and customers. The main characteristics of brand formation of pharmaceuticals drug-consumer "become stable, constant and strong in relation to similar communications of competing drugs, it is noted that the brand of pharmaceuticals acquires a property of psychological inertia. This allows the brand to maintain the attractiveness of the labeled drug for a long time, even if it loses some qualities and properties, due to the trust in the selected pharmaceutical company and its brand, which have established a kind of informal relationship, quality assurance and effectiveness. It is determined that the further development of technologies for brand development of pharmaceutical products requires both expert and sociological research and the use of new methods of processing their results, forecasting the development of brands.
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