The heads of agricultural enterprises kept the focus on production and organizational issues, enterprises directly combined their activities with the processing industry. With the formation of market relations, most companies were forced for implement a full cycle of production and independently study the demand, consumer needs, study of foreign and domestic markets, pricing and analysis of competitors. The duration of the real development of the marketing department of agro enterprises of Ukraine is no more than 15-20 years. After the signing of the European integration agreement in 2014, Ukrainian agro enterprises increased their exports by 40%, but this also led to fiercer competition in the domestic market due to the inflow of foreign products. Therefore, today raises the issue of competitiveness, which we will propose to solve through successful marketing management. We analyzed the largest agricultural firms in the Ukrainian market. Thanks to the analysis of digital marketing used by a particular company and analyzing the level of financial efficiency, we concluded that it is appropriate to use a particular strategy of Internet marketing. The analysis of development and promotion of sites of agrarian latifundistas was taken as a basis. We came to the conclusion that the difference in site positioning and use of different domains (.som and .ua) leads to the possibility of promoting sites with greater success in different marketplaces. Separate promotion in the domestic market and in foreign markets makes it possible to better convey information to various consumers, and as a result to create a more trusting attitude towards the Agro company. Thus, this strategy is successful with strategic positioning in foreign markets and the desire to increase the company's exports. Among the analyzed agricultural firms, only one (Kernel) applies this strategy. It is important not only to create a separate page using a foreign domain, but also to promote this page on services of foreign origin. After all, those companies that will be able to establish a transparent and trusting channel for providing information to their customers will be able to have a more competitive advantage among competitors.
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