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consumer cooperation
retail trade
trade network
strategic policy
sustainable developmen

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The trends in the development of enterprises and organizations of consumer cooperation in the world and in Ukraine at the current stage are analyzed. Emphasis is placed on the socio-economic tasks performed by consumer cooperatives in Europe, namely: eliminating imbalances in food supply chains, ensuring the availability of goods and services for consumers, strengthening food security in European countries, promoting sustainable economic growth and social responsibility at the local, regional and national levels. The economic and resource potential of the consumer cooperation of Ukraine, as well as its economic structure, namely: a network of trade enterprises, restaurants, hotels, manufacturing enterprises and workshops, marketplaces, a media holding, an insurance company and institutions of higher education were analyzed. The most important global problems and challenges that negatively affect the intensive development of domestic consumer cooperation are systematized. The importance of implementing strategic policy measures for consumer cooperatives aimed at building deeper relationships with representatives of state authorities was emphasized. The expediency of diversification of economic activity, active implementation of innovations in business management, use of technological achievements and alternative energy technologies in the activities of consumer cooperation is substantiated. The economic, organizational, social and institutional components of the perspective model and priorities of the development of consumer cooperation in the conditions of the global challenges of modern times are substantiated. The most important strategic priorities for the development of consumer cooperatives of Ukraine in the near future are proposed, namely: unification of retail enterprises of consumer cooperatives into a single trade network, creation of a single purchasing center; wide use of the practice of selling goods under one's own trademark (private label); implementation of a socially responsible and environmentally oriented business model; implementation of mutual financial and organizational support; search and organization of activities in new business niches where there is no stiff competition and consumer cooperation will be able to fully demonstrate its advantages; implementation of projects in the field of alternative energy; development of Internet trade and electronic commerce; attracting new members to consumer cooperatives; popularization of cooperative ideas and principles among the population, especially among young people. It was concluded that through the education system, governments should deepen understanding and high appreciation of the contribution of cooperatives to socio-economic development.
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