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consumer rights
online trade
online store

How to Cite

Bondarchuk, M. (2022). FEATURES OF THE PROTECTION OF CONSUMER RIGHTS IN INTERNET TRADE. Entrepreneurship and Trade, (33), 26-23. https://doi.org/10.36477/2522-1256-2022-33-02


Internet trade is a relatively new field of business management and digital technology that is constantly evolving. A significant boost to e-commerce was provided by the global outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, which revolutionized the work of many businesses. Currently, consumers have access to an unprecedented choice of goods and services. But just as great as the potential benefits of online shopping are the challenges that consumers face. Consumer trust is one of the main prerequisites for the success of internet trade. Legislation to regulate internet commerce aims to reduce and eliminate the challenges faced by online consumers. In the process of buying and selling goods in Internet trade, consumers conclude a contract with the seller (executor) at a distance. Depending on the value of the goods, the form of transactions can be oral or written. The Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" regulates the rights and obligations of consumers and sellers in the event of concluding a contract at a distance, responsibility in the event of violation of consumer rights, means of their legal protection (repair, replacement (exchange), reimbursement), procedure and features exchange of goods, termination of contracts when making online purchases. In order to observe the rights of consumers, the legislation provides for judicial protection. The paper identifies the presence of a number of unsettled issues regarding the protection of consumer rights in the field of Internet trade. In order to improve the system of protection of the rights of online consumers in Ukraine, several initiatives are planned. In addition to making changes to the Laws of Ukraine "On Electronic Commerce" and "On Protection of Consumer Rights", the Ministry of Digital Transformation provides for the creation of the "Unified Register of Sellers in the Field of Electronic Commerce", the "e-Consumer" consumer support service platform. The State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection will be empowered to grant economic entities the status of "Verified Seller" and the possibility of applying to Internet service providers to restrict access to the websites of entities that engage in dishonest business practices or which cannot be identified.

PDF (Українська)


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