The article identifies the sales system as one of the most important assets of a manufacturing and trading company, which directly affects the results of its activities. An effective sales management system is a guarantee of financial stability of the business, as well as a powerful lever for its development. Sales management is characterized as the coordination of sales operations, the formation of sales staff, the introduction of innovative methods that allow manufacturing and trading companies to achieve and even exceed their business goals. It is substantiated that sales management is a special system that includes elements of marketing, management and, of course, trade. For this reason, it is proposed to include a number of components in this system: definition of target customers; installation of distribution channels; distribution channel management; organization of the sales department and development of its strategy; sales department management; development of skills of personal sales and relationship management; sales system adjustment. The list of the purposes which correct definition allows to provide efficiency of process of management of sales at the industrial and trading enterprise is presented. The main management functions that serve to develop and implement an effective sales management strategy for manufacturing and trading companies are identified. It is substantiated that the choice of the most optimal methods of effective sales management should be based on the specifics of each organization. It is established that the choice of methods is influenced by the degree of standardization of work processes, the presence or absence of an automated sales analysis system for employees, the company's market position at the moment, the number of employees in sales departments, features of internal communications and more. It is determined that there are several approaches to the organization of effective sales management: situational, process and system. It is proved that the competent construction and organization of the sales management system allows to strengthen the position of the production and trading company in the market, promotes its development and prosperity, strengthens the company's relationships with customers. From the standpoint of a systematic approach, the main stages of the process of organizing an effective sales management system at the production and trading company are highlighted.
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