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social responsibility
public-private partnership
government and business
science and public
socially responsible business project

How to Cite

Vasyltsiv, T., & Vasyltsiv, G. (2022). SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY OF GOVERNMENT, BUSINESS, SCIENCE AND PUBLIC. Entrepreneurship and Trade, (33), 31-38.


The study emphasizes the urgency of forming and implementing a policy of joint social responsibility of government, business, science and the public to ensure progressive and structurally balanced progress of the territories. It is argued that this issue has become significantly more relevant due to insufficient social protection of the population of Ukraine and a high level of social vulnerability of certain categories of the population exacerbated during the Russian-Ukrainian war. The aim of the study is to identify (on the example of one of the business projects) instruments of joint social responsibility of government, business, science and the public, the implementation of which provides synergistic effects in the form of achieving better and more effective state policy of social protection and support through inclusion of science in the real sector of the economy and public control. Based on statistical data on the example of Lviv region, the presence of negative trends to weakening the development of regional industry in 2011-2020 in the following aspects: the dynamics of industrial products (goods, services) sales by industry; shares of industrial products by industry; the number of industrial enterprises by size and their share in the total number of industrial enterprises of the corresponding size; the number of employees at industrial enterprises by size and their share in the total number of employees at enterprises of the corresponding size; shares of large industrial enterprises in the total volume of sold industrial products. The functions, tasks and capabilities of the subjects of public-private partnership, namely government, business, science and the public, have been identified. Aspects of the example of formation and implementation of public-private socially responsible policy in the form of implementation of the initiative social project "Development and manufacture of mechanical-electric folding tricycle" with a universal folding rear axle are substantiated. The tools for initiating, involving partners, developing and improving the implementation of this socially responsible project, ensuring the spread of such positive practices in other territories or regions of the country are identified.
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