The article investigates the theoretical aspects of managing the innovative development of enterprises in the service sector. The relevance of the research is determined, first of all, by the need to form a sequence of managerial influence and define its tools to achieve high efficiency of the process of innovative development of service enterprises. When writing the article, analytical methods were used to identify and elaborate the basic definitions of the concept of "innovative development management", the method of scientific abstraction was used in the development of a structural-logical scheme of the process of managing the servicing enterprise innovative development. In the materials of the article, attention is focused on the factors that determine the formation of goals and tasks of managerial influence on the innovative development of service enterprises. It was determined that when determining the guidelines for planning the tasks of managing the innovative development of a service sector enterprise, attention should be focused on the specifics of the field of activity and the uncertainty of the innovative decisions making process. Special attention is focused on determining the structural and logical connections between the principles, methods and functions of innovative development management. The main strategic orientations of innovative development management of enterprises in the service sector have been studied and analyzed. It is proposed to use the definition of innovative development management, taking into account the characteristic features of the innovative process in the service sector itself.
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