The article examines the current issue of improving audit activity in the field of information technologies and increasing the effectiveness of the audit system based on the application of the latest organizational and management approaches and scientific and methodological solutions. The importance of considering the internal audit of modern IT companies as a way of identifying problems of organization, management, and implementation of processes at the company level, using certain specific tools, has been updated. The purpose of the article is to research and substantiation organizational, managerial, and methodological provisions that determine the prerequisites for effective organization of internal audits of IT companies. The article defines the prerequisites for the effective organization of the internal audit of IT companies, taking into account the specifics of their activities and the determinants of efficiency, which they should focus on in order to achieve the goals of the audit. These prerequisites consist in taking into account the specifics of IT companies' activities and the organization of processes in the field of information technologies. It is also important to focus on: promoting the achievement of the company's development goals and specific audit goals; ensuring the effectiveness of activities and their control through objective measurement and comparison with plans, standards, and current trends; facts (evidence) that must meet certain requirements as a basis for creating an analytical and evidence base and formulating audit conclusions and recommendations. It is assumed that an effective audit in this field should be consistent in establishing performance standards, evaluating performance, and making reasonable changes to the procedures for organizing and conducting audits. The results of the internal audit should be considered as a source of expert data, conclusions, and recommendations for the implementation of continuous improvement of the control system in the IT company. The results of this research determine the directions of development of methodological tools for internal audit in the field of information technologies and can be used to implement audit functions in companies that actively use such technologies, participate in the development and dissemination of technological innovations, maintain of IT infrastructure and creation of IT products and services.
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