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hotel and restaurant business
international business
hospitality establishments

How to Cite

Sydorenko, T. (2022). FEATURES OF THE FUNCTIONING OF THE HOTEL AND RESTAURANT BUSINESS UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF MARITAL STATE. Entrepreneurship and Trade, (33), 66-70. https://doi.org/10.36477/2522-1256-2022-33-10


In the article concerned the main problems, changes and limitations of the development of the hotel and restaurant industry under martial law. It is also determined that the hotel and restaurant business, both in the past years and now, is in unexpected and unfavorable conditions. Today, the domestic socio-economic system demonstrates a miracle of survival: against the background of failed financial and political actions, it is able to work and produce a certain economic effect. The instability of the political and economic situation in Ukraine, pandemic restrictions, military aggression of the enemy negatively affect the functioning and development of the hotel and restaurant business. The research practical aspects of functioning the operation of the hotel and restaurant business have been studied. The hotel and restaurant business is an industry with a high level of competition. New concepts are created with the aim of maximally satisfying the needs of customers. And the higher the culture and quality of guest services, the higher the image of the hotel, the more attractive the establishment is for visitors. An conducted analysis of the factors affecting the current state of the hotel and restaurant business in Ukraine, its development and future prospects was carried out. At the current stage, it is believed that the recovery of the economy can be interpreted as a set of measures in various spheres of economic activity of the country, aimed at ensuring and increasing its competitiveness; construction of high-tech production with high added value; raising the standard of living of people; formation of internal and external demand based on innovative approaches and the most modern technologies. However, it is not worth waiting for a rapid increase in the economic indicators of the hotel and restaurant business enterprises. Since a significant part of financial success depends precisely on the intensity of investing. State support for Ukrainian business in wartime is extremely relevant, since the future of not only our economy, but also the state in general depends on business. provision was investigated the effective functioning and development of hotel and restaurant business enterprises in the state has been studied, programs and projects to support this sphere of economic activity are being implemented with the assistance of international organizations.

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ДАРТ та UHRA запускають акцію з благодійного бронювання номерів в українських готелях. URL: https://interfax.com.ua/news/general/810589.html.

Державної служби статистики України. URL: https://ukrstat.gov.ua/.

Інвестиційний клімат в Україні змушує готельний бізнес йти до Європи. URL: http://newsradio.com.ua/2013_07_05/nvestic-jnij-kl-mat-v-Ukra-n-zmushu-gotelnij-b-znes-jti-do-vropi-ekspert.

Ukrainian hotels located in war zones ask the world for support and launch the action “Visit Ukraine in the Future”. URL: https://visitukraine.today/blog/214/ukrainian-hotels-located-in-war-zones-ask-the-world-for-supportand-launch-the-action-visit-ukraine-in-the-future.

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Dombyk O.M. (2013) “The economic essence of activity of the hotel and restaurant business”, Torhivlia, komertsiia, pidpryiemnytstvo, vol. 15, pp. 64–66.

DART and UHRA are launching a campaign for charitable reservation of rooms in Ukrainian hotels, available at: https://interfax.com.ua/news/general/810589.html.

State Statistics Service of Ukraine https://ukrstat.gov.ua/.

The investment climate in the Ukraine forces the hotel business to go to Europe, available at: http://newsradio.com.ua/2013_07_05/nvestic-jnij-kl-mat-v-Ukra-n-zmushu-gotelnij-b-znes-jti-do-vropi-ekspert.

Ukrainian hotels located in war zones ask the world for support and launch the action “Visit Ukraine in the Future”, available at: https://visitukraine.today/blog/214/ukrainian-hotels-located-in-war-zones-ask-the-world-for-supportand-launch-the-action-visit-ukraine-in-the-future.

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