The article examines the theoretical foundations of the enterprise's foreign economic activity through the prism of the formation of a high level of export potential and its preservation in the long term. The relevance of the study is determined by the global trend of creating a world market of goods and services and the need for the country to implement its export potential in order to occupy its niche in the international division of labor. Particular attention was paid to the study of the categories "export", "export potential" and "external economic activity of enterprises", their essential features and principles of implementation were highlighted. When writing, the following research methods were used: the method of comparison, when researching the concept of "export", the method of generalization, the method of scientific abstraction and modeling when developing a structural and logical scheme of export potential. It was determined that international trade is an important incentive for the development and improvement of the production efficiency of each country and provides an opportunity to widely develop the production of those types of products for which there are the most favorable conditions. In the materials of the article, attention is focused on the development of a structural and logical scheme of export potential, attention is focused on the principles and directions of foreign economic activity at both the macro and micro levels. Special attention is focused on the factors of the multifactorial resource model of export potential formation. The effectiveness of the foreign economic activity of world leading countries has been studied and analyzed, the presence of growing export trends and constant changes in the international division of labor, depending on their resource and strategic capabilities, has been determined. It is proposed to use, after the stabilization of economic and political conditions, such directions of growth of export potential and implementation of foreign economic activity as the sale of high-tech products and knowledge-intensive services.
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