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intellectual property

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Intellectual property and the transfer of innovations are the existential basis of the economic success of entrepreneurship, and the development of the intellectual property market determines the innovation and technological competitiveness of the country. The purpose of the article is to systematize the challenges and justify the measures for the development of technology transfer and the intellectual property market. It was stated that the most effective tools for enhancing technology transfer and commercialization of intellectual property are institutional (ensuring clear competencies in the field of intellectual property and technology transfer between subjects of the intellectual property market, conducting systematic monitoring of the activities of spinning organizations, harmonization of rights between innovators and financial alliances, etc. ), regulatory (reforming the national legislative framework on intellectual property and technology transfer, monitoring the provision of intellectual property rights, etc. ), financial (providing incentives for researchers to disclose knowledge and carry out innovation activities, providing financial autonomy to research institutions, higher education institutions and full financial independence of R&D centres, state financial support in the process of spinning, providing soft loans to venture organizations and start-ups).The key measures for the implementation of the national policy in the field of intellectual property and technology transfer in Ukraine are: development of innovative potential, strengthening cooperation and coordination of research and development with industry and the private sector, increasing the infrastructural capabilities of the intellectual property market in order to activate intellectual property and technology transfer, providing incentives for the use of the intellectual property system, promoting the commercialization of solid and indigenous innovations/technologies, enhancing technology transfer, ensuring effective implementation intellectual property rights.
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