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international transportation
road vehicles

How to Cite

Domantsevych, N., Shestopal, G., & Kyzyk, P. (2022). FEATURES OF EXAMINATION OF CARGO DURING INTERNATIONAL TRANSPORTATION BY ROAD VEHICLES. Entrepreneurship and Trade, (34), 28-34. https://doi.org/10.32782/2522-1256-2022-34-04


The article analyzes the principles of the organization of international transportation of cargo by road transport and the expert component in ensuring the preservation of the integrity and original quality of goods, which is of scientific interest. The purpose of the article was to study the peculiarities of cargo expertise during international transportation by road transport. The effectiveness of processes legal regulation of international transportation of goods by road transport through the establishment of national and international documents is shown. It was noted that road transport provides a significant part of trade in goods between Ukraine and EU and is an important precondition for the operation of the deepened free trade zone between Ukraine and EU. The importance of the acceptance of the Agreement on Cargo Transportation by Road Transport, which abolishes the need for Ukrainian carriers to obtain appropriate permits for reversible and transit transportation to EU countries, has been determined. The rules for establishing requirements for products in the EU markets are considered, the basic ones of which are related to health care end user safety. The identification by marking and technical parameters for compliance with basic models which have a similar set of indicators was carried out during the course of the expert investigation of recuperators. The compliance of the examined recuperators of the manufacturer to WANAS requirements, specified in the technical documentation, which determine silent operation, high thermal efficiency, and low energy consumption, was determined. The obtained research results generalize an important role in ensuring the preservation of quality have expert studies, during which it is possible to identify recuperators, to determine their compliance with the declared series. Further research should be focused on the development of criteria suitable for the purposes of identification of specific types of products from the considered series, researches of input and output characteristics of recuperators.

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