The article considers the creative economy as a driver of the implementation of digital transformations in society and business. A retrospective analysis of the emergence and development of the creative economy was carried out. The key directions of scientific research in the field of creativity and intellectualization of the economy have been determined. Approaches to defining the spheres of activity covered by the creative economy were analyzed and, on its basis, indicators of export and import of all creative goods by developing countries and economically developed countries for the period 2002−2020, as well as by individual product groups, were studied. The study of the essence of the concept of "creative industries" made it possible to understand that they are part of a broader concept – the creative economy. Creative industries are based on the principles of creativity and the implementation of creative ideas. The interaction of the creative economy with the industrial revolutions Industry 4.0 and 5.0 is an important factor for the development of both concepts. This interaction promotes innovative development in creative industries through the use of advanced technologies, provides the possibility of greater personalization of products and services, promotes cooperation and collaboration between specialists, expands marketing and communication opportunities, develops new creative industries, increases productivity and efficiency. Analysis of the creative economy in the world assesses the state of export and import of its goods in the world between developed and developing countries. The global trends in the development of the creative economy in the world were defined and characterized. Analysis of the creative economy in Europe evaluates the export and import of creative goods in the European region and determines the reasons and conditions for its success in EU countries. Analytical study of the state of development of the creative economy in Ukraine, its current state and future development was determined thanks to the analysis of the added value created in the creative economy, the volume of sales of creative goods, the number of employees in creative industries, capital investments in the creative economy and export of goods. The current state during the war was characterized and analyzed, and the possibility and measures of its successful recovery were predicted.
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Gilpin R. (2016) The political economy of international relations. 449 p.
Uhl-Bien M., Marion R., McKelvey B. (2007) Complexity Leadership Theory: Shifting leadership from the industrial age to the knowledge era. Leadership Quarterly, vol 18(4), p. 298–318. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.leaqua.2007.04.002
Scott A.J. (2006) Creative cities: Conceptual issues and policy questions. Journal of Urban Affairs, vol. 28(1), p. 1–17. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/j.0735-2166.2006.00256.x
Mudambi R. (2008) Location, control and innovation in knowledge-intensive industries. Journal of Economic Geography, vol. 8(5), p. 699–725. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/jeg/lbn024
Markusen А. (2006) Urban development and the politics of a creative class: Evidence from a study of artists. Environment and Planning, vol. 38(10), p. 1921–1940. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1068/a38179
Florida R., Mellander C., Stolarick K. (2008) Inside the black box of regional development – Human capital, the creative class and tolerance. Journal of Economic Geography, vol 8(5), p. 615–649. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/jeg/lbn023
Evans G. (2009) Creative cities, creative spaces and urban policy. Urban Studies, vol. 46 (5-6), p. 1003–1040. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098009103853
Garnham N. (2005) From cultural to creative industries: An analysis of the implications of the “creative industries” approach to arts and media policy making in the United Kingdom. International Journal of Cultural Policy, vol. 11(1), p. 15–29. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/10286630500067606
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European commission. Available at: https://culture.ec.europa.eu/creative-europe/about-the-creative-europe-programme
Creative nation: the current state and future of the Ukrainian creative economy. Available at: https://delo.ua/opinions/kreativna-naciya-ninisnii-stan-i-maibutnje-ukrayinskoyi-kreativnoyi-ekonomiki-406711/