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regional strategy
industrial enterprise

How to Cite

Klius, Y., & Kerezvas, I. (2023). DEVELOPMENT OF PLANNING STAGES FOR IMPROVEMENT OF THE REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY. Entrepreneurship and Trade, (37), 41-48.


In order for the strategy for the development of industrial enterprises in the region to be effective, it is necessary that its improvement goes through four stages with access to a medium-term plan, a long-term vision and a plan taking into account the changes taking place in the environment at the moment with all adjustments. This can happen cyclically. All the adjustments that take place at the stages of drawing up plans with indicators leading to the intended result improve the production strategy of the industrial enterprise, and the levels of management lead to the fact that the perspectives represent different points of view on the production productivity of the industrial enterprise, where the balanced scorecard considers industrial enterprises from the main positions, such as development prospects with limited finances, substantiation of promising business processes, personnel prospects, including training (retraining). To solve the challenges faced by the modern competitive environment, industrial enterprises must constantly implement proactive measures to improve production productivity in all aspects of their processes in order to increase their competitiveness. In order to achieve the effective operation of industrial enterprises, it is necessary to consider this strategic issue in production divisions in order to recognize it as an integral part of the production strategy. Manufacturing strategy includes activities related to maximizing equipment efficiency, continuous improvement of actions taken to improve product quality, increase safety, and reduce costs. All the listed prospects for ensuring production productivity are the most important indicators of a balanced system. They are reflected in such indicators as return on sales, return on equity, return on assets, gross profit, revenue growth, employee wages, cost of sales. These indicators are the main indicators that demonstrate whether the process of improving the production strategy of an industrial enterprise is successful or unsuccessful. Consistent coordination of actions and opportunities with the client's value proposition is the basis of the implementation of the industrial enterprise's production strategy, which is the key to a successful regional development strategy.
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