In the modern conditions of dynamic development of countries, it is necessary to continuously create and use innovations as an important factor of general economic progress. The main task of successful corporations and countries is to strengthen the innovative component in the national economy. Competitiveness is defined as a general characteristic of competencies, values and competitive advantages, which are the assets and characteristics of an enterprise that make it different from competitors. Thus, competitiveness means a company's ability to produce goods or provide services that can compete effectively in the market. The purpose of the study is to analyze the impact of innovations on the activities of TNCs.Tthe article examines the concept of innovation, competitiveness and creative industries; the peculiarities of the involvement of innovations in the activities of TNCs in the field of creative industries and other areas were investigated; the impact of attracting innovations on the competitiveness of TNCs in various industries and, in particular, in the field of creative industries was analyzed; correlation calculations of the indicator of intangible assets with the profit indicator of the company «The Walt Disney Company» were carried out. In further research, it is proposed to focus attention on the introduction and use of innovations and their impact on the competitiveness of other TNCs operating in the market of creative industries.
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