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road network

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Oschypok, I. M., Onyshko, L. Y., & Havrylyshyn, V. V. (2019). OPTIMIZATION OF TRANSPORT ACTIVITIES EFFICIENCY OF HOTEL&RESTAURANT ENTERPRISES. Entrepreneurship and Trade, (25), 77-81. https://doi.org/10.36477/2522-1256-2019-25-10


Transportation of customers and delivery of material&technical resources to the hotel&restaurant enterprises is an important component of their operational efficiency. The placements of the hospitality industry enterprises within the settlements have a different distance from from railway, bus stations, сommodity warehouses, food manufacturers and the airports. The article examines three ways of increasing transportation volumes without changing the existing transportation network at the expense of increasing the car and bus quantity, improving their technical maintenance and repair as well as the condition of the road network. Preference is given to the option in which the required volume of transportation is performed while minimizing the costs involved. In a large amount of capital investments, it is expedient to distribute them by variants in appropriate proportions in order to achieve the best end result. The task of optimization is to find the variant with the minimum of the total resulted expenses. Considering the placements of hotel&restaurant enterprises in settlements and ways of goods and passengers transportation, it is expedient to recommend for local governments the plans of reconstruction and repair of separate sections of roads. At the present, it is necessary to develop new and adapt to market conditions the existing methods and models of increasing the transport-forwarder services (TFS) efficiency. The following most promising areas of research can be outlined in this field: development of complex indicators of the TFS efficiency estimation; development of rational schemes of integrated TFS for enterprises and organizations; determining the optimal strategies for the functioning of the TFS in the transport services market.

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