The current stage of business development is characterized by an emphasis on digitization as a priority, which is reflected in the approach to the modernization of individual business processes and in the formation of business models based on comprehensive digital transformation. Digitization is no longer just a choice, but becomes an objective necessity for enterprises that seek to maintain and increase their competitiveness in the market. Today, the competitive advantages of business are formed not only on the basis of quality, price or level of service, but also through the ability of the company to use digital technologies innovatively and effectively. This allows not only to optimize internal processes, but also to create new values for customers, expanding business opportunities and opening new growth horizons. The article is devoted to the study of business models in the context of the digital economy. The article focuses a lot of attention on the analysis of the features and advantages of platforms and the platform economy, as well as the characteristics of the platform business model. The work summarizes scientific approaches to the classification of digital platforms, which allows a deeper understanding of how different types of platforms affect business processes, strategy and competitiveness of companies. It is substantiated how platform business models stimulate innovation, promote effective interaction between various market participants and open up new opportunities for growth and development. The concept of digital transformation of agricultural enterprises has been developed, which is aimed at updating and improving agricultural activity through the use of modern technologies and digital solutions. This approach involves the comprehensive integration of various digital tools and platforms that enable process automation, improved data analytics, and effective resource management. The main goal is to optimize production processes, increase productivity and improve the process of making sound strategic decisions. The use of digital technologies, such as big data analysis, artificial intelligence and other innovative tools, provides businesses with a number of advantages. This opens up new opportunities for developing and improving business models that meet the dynamic requirements of the digital economy and constantly changing consumer expectations.
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Lesia Buiak, Nataliya Harmatiy, Iryna Fedyshyn, Kateryna Pryshliak (2023), Тhe impact of crisis events in Ukraine on the export of agricultural products to eu countries and the world. Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Developmen, volume 46, issue 2, pp. 193–201.
Lesia Buiak, Kateryna Pryshliak, Oksana Bashutska, Lilia Buiak, Tetiana Polozova (September 21-23 2023), Simulation and Forecasting of Agricultural Land Market Development. 13th International Conference on Аdvanced computer information technologies ACIT’2023. Wrocław, Poland, pp. 70–74.
Lesia Buіak, Viktor Lopatovskyi, Liudmyla Yemchuk, Volodymyr Dzhulii, Larysa Dzhulii, Valentyna Bobrovnyk (September 21-23, 2023), Organizational aspects of the management process based on the systems approach, informatization and modelling. 13th International Conference on Аdvanced computer information technologies ACIT’2023. Wrocław, Poland, pp. 230–234.
Lesia Buіak, Serhii Matiukh, Olga Gonchar, Liudmyla Yemchuk, Larysa Dzhulii, Lesia Bilorusets (September 21-23, 2023), Methods and Models in Management Decision-Making. 13th International Conference on Аdvanced computer information technologies ACIT’2023. Wrocław, Poland, pp. 284–288.
Sahut, J. M., Dana, L. P., Laroche, M. (2020), Digital innovations, impacts on marketing, value chain and business models: An introduction. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 61–67.
Zatsarinnyy, A. A., Shabanov, A. P. (2019), Model of a Prospective Digital Platform to Consol- idate the Resources of Economic Activity in the Digital Economy. Procedia Computer Science, vol. 150, pp. 552–557.