The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the most promising and revolutionary technologies that is expanding the world of objects and devices capable of communicating and exchanging data via the Internet. This innovative concept has become a key factor in transforming the way organizations operate and manage their resources in the modern business environment. The Internet of Things opens up a wide range of opportunities to improve the efficiency of administrative management, providing greater control, data collection and analysis, process optimization, and increased competitiveness of organizations. In this article, we will take a closer look at the opportunities offered by IoT for administrative management and how they contribute to improving management in the modern business environment. The article examines the tasks that can be solved with the help of IoT in administrative management. This includes automation of management processes, monitoring, data collection and analysis, optimization of supply, logistics and other aspects of organizational management. The use of IoT can help businesses increase productivity, reduce costs, improve service quality, and ensure more effective decision-making. The article examines the opportunities that IoT opens up for organizations in the modern business environment. It explores the role of IoT in implementing the concept of a "smart office", where various devices and systems interact with each other and with people to improve the work environment and ensure convenience and efficiency. In addition, the use of IoT can help to introduce innovative business models, such as "platforms as a service" and "product as a service", where organizations can provide services and products based on Internet-connected devices. However, along with the opportunities, the use of IoT also brings challenges and risks that need to be considered when implementing. The paper addresses data security and privacy issues, as connected devices can collect and transmit large amounts of sensitive information. There are also technical challenges associated with integrating different systems and devices, standardizing protocols, and ensuring network resilience and reliability. This study emphasizes the importance of using the Internet of Things in administrative management to improve the efficiency and optimize the processes of organizations. The article provides an understanding of the tasks and opportunities, as well as the challenges and risks associated with IoT implementation, and provides recommendations for the successful use of this technology. This allows organizations to implement innovative approaches and achieve a competitive advantage in the modern business environment.
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«ETCETERA». Ukrainu pidkliuchaiut do «Internetu rechei»: navishcho tse potribno? «ETCETERA», available at: https://uk.etcetera.media/ukrayinupidklyuchayut-do-internetu-rechey-navishho-tse-potribno.html
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