The paper examines the definition and essence of the concept of "food safety", the mechanism of its implementation. The role of the enterprises of the agro-industrial complex in ensuring the appropriate level of food security through the production, processing and sale of agricultural products is determined. The level of satisfaction with food products of domestic producers in the pre-war period was studied. It was determined that the country's population was fully provided with food products, except for fish and fish products and some types of fruits. An analysis of the production of agricultural products during the war was carried out, which showed that the drop in the production of agricultural products was observed at the level of 30% from the pre-war period. This level is not critical for the country. Some enterprises are reorienting towards the cultivation of agricultural products, the shortage of which arose due to the occupation of part of the territory of Ukraine. The production of some crops increased during the war period, for example, buckwheat and corn. In 2022, as a whole, the enterprises of the agro-industrial complex made a profit. A loss is expected in 2023, which occurs not only because of the limited volume of products, but also because of the inability to export them in the traditional cheapest ways - with the help of water transport, mainly by sea. The significant role of the state in ensuring the appropriate level of food security in the conditions of martial law. The state provides maximum support to agricultural producers, including this is possible thanks to the measures defined in the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On approval of the plan of measures to ensure food security in the conditions of martial law". In particular, increasing the financing of agricultural enterprises, regulating the volumes of import and export of agricultural products. Currently, research is being carried out in the direction of overcoming the consequences of martial law in the agro-industrial complex. Solving the problems may be related to the formation of new logistics schemes for the export of products and their storage conditions, further stimulation of the processing sector, active participation in humanitarian projects.
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