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venture capital

How to Cite

Kravchuk, N., Savonik, T., & Khaliman, O. (2023). ANALYSIS OF THE PRACTICE OF ATTRACTING VENTURE CAPITAL FUNDING FOR UKRAINIAN START-UPS. Entrepreneurship and Trade, (39), 79-85.


The article examines the nature and scope of venture capital investment in start-up entrepreneurship in Ukraine. The article aims is assessing the trends in venture capital investment in Ukrainian start-ups, as well as forecasting their volumes and identifying prospects. The study concludes that venture capital investment is an important tool for the development of innovative technologies and start-ups. It is determined that in Ukraine the venture capital market emerged only in the early 2000s, so it is quite young and not as developed as in the developed countries. Attracting venture capital investment can be challenging, but it can be a valuable resource for Ukrainian startups seeking to succeed in any field of activity: education, medicine, culture, and other areas. Venture capital investment can help start-ups that create new jobs and stimulate economic growth. Venture capital funding can also help start-ups develop innovative products and services. These products, in turn, can increase a company's productivity and efficiency, thus improving its financial stability and contributing to economic growth. The study developed an economic and mathematical model to forecast the volume of venture capital investment in Ukraine over the next five years. Given the positive prognostic trend towards an increase in venture capital investment in the period up to 2027, the need to develop strategic macroeconomic measures to support the development of startups, their regulatory regulation and financial support is identified. It is substantiated that in order to create a favourable economic environment for economic growth, systemic reforms and study of practical aspects of venture capital financing based on international experience are necessary. Implementation of these measures will allow Ukraine to overcome economic turmoil and resume economic growth. The scientific novelty of the study lies in outlining the peculiarities of the development of the global and Ukrainian venture capital investment market, analysing the volume of such investment, as well as developing an economic and mathematical model and forecasting the volume of venture capital investment in Ukraine in the next five years.
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