The article examines the theoretical and methodical principles of the research of convergence processes in terms of the productivity of railway transport of Ukraine with the EU. Modern problems and topical issues, which were devoted to the scientific works of domestic scientists on this issue in recent years, are highlighted. The essence of the concept of "convergence" in the broad sense of the word is revealed and its significance is formulated in the context of the study of the productivity of railway transport of Ukraine with the EU at the current stage of development. The article highlights and substantiates general indicators of the effectiveness of the development of railways in countries for international comparisons. The system of performance indicators of railway transport of Ukraine and the EU was defined for assessment and analysis based on international comparisons. The number of countries for international comparisons with Ukraine is singled out and substantiated, namely: five EU member states. The author of the article has developed methodological principles and approaches for researching the processes of deepening convergence in terms of the productivity of railway transport of Ukraine with the EU. The main stages of deepening convergence processes in terms of the productivity of railway transport infrastructure of Ukraine with the EU have been developed. The time periods of the study of the specified processes of convergence deepening are singled out. The author conducted a comparative analysis of the international ranking of countries based on individual indicators of the productivity of rail transport in Germany, France, Spain, Italy and Ukraine. The issue of privatization of railway transport in EU member states and Ukraine is outlined. A general conclusion was made that in 2012, Ukraine had a good position in the specified international ranking of countries, with the exception of indicators of passenger transportation productivity and wagon productivity. The author of the article draws a number of conclusions, in particular, regarding the significance of the study of convergence processes regarding the productivity of railway transport of Ukraine with the EU and regarding the specifics of the development of the railway transport sector in different countries. Prospective directions for further scientific research on the mentioned issues are outlined.
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